As the saying goes, “Eating and sex are natural human desires.” As a fundamental aspect of human reproduction, sex is entirely natural. However, some people view sex as taboo, while others believe it is something innate. To those people, I can only say, “Young man, you are too naive.
To have a healthy body, one must first have a fulfilling sex life. Many people understand the importance of staying fit, but some small habits in bed can gradually harm you without you even realizing it. By the time you notice, it might already be too late. So, what bad habits must you absolutely break?
Besides practicing safe sex and avoiding excessive medication, there are certain behaviors that you might overlook or misunderstand. These can negatively impact both your health and that of your partner, and could even lead to sexually transmitted infections! Let’s take a look at these six bad habits that you must break.
Here are six bad habits that must be avoided and the type of drink not recommended after intimate activity:
Six Bad Habits to Avoid:
- Not Cleaning the Private Areas: Failing to clean the private areas before and after intercourse can lead to bacterial growth, increasing the risk of infections. Maintaining good hygiene practices can reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
- Not Using Lubricants: Not using lubricants during intercourse can cause friction injuries, especially for women. Vaginal dryness can result in pain and discomfort, and in severe cases, it can cause skin tears and infections.
- Ignoring Contraception: Not using contraceptives during intercourse increases the risk of unintended pregnancies and the spread of STDs. Using condoms and other contraceptive methods is crucial for protecting the health of both partners.
- Over-reliance on Medication: Excessive reliance on erection-enhancing drugs or other sexual aids can have side effects and may lead to psychological dependence, affecting natural sexual performance.
- Neglecting Foreplay: Insufficient foreplay can negatively impact the sexual experience and cause physical discomfort. Foreplay helps the body gradually adapt to intercourse, increases lubrication, and reduces the risk of friction-related injuries.
- Not Urinating After Intercourse: Failing to urinate after intercourse increases the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Urinating can help flush out bacteria that may have entered the urethra, reducing the likelihood of infections.
Drink Not Recommended After Intimacy:
High-Sugar Beverages:
Consuming high-sugar beverages (such as sugary sodas and fruit juices) after intercourse can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, which is detrimental to overall health. High-sugar drinks place a burden on insulin production and, if consumed regularly, can negatively affect metabolic functions.
It is advisable to choose water or light tea to replenish fluids, which aids in recovery and supports metabolic processes.