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Sex is a Matter Between the Ears

This topic is not my original idea; it comes from Dr. Zhen, a PhD in sex psychology.

Sex is not a matter of what’s between the legs, but what’s between the ears; in other words, the brain is our most important sexual organ——I had the privilege of encountering this perspective in the following article

Sexual apathy, workplace sexual harassment, masturbation, the separation of love and sex, loss of sexual attraction, consumption of pornographic materials, sexual communication with partners, etc. Among these issues, the most complex one involves a large number of young girls who do not understand their own desires, their bodies, their sexuality, or their right to sexual pleasure. It is very rare to find girls with a positive and proactive sexual value system.

In all efforts to achieve sexual happiness, technique is not that important for either men or women. What matters most is our sexual mindset. Why is that? Please keep reading to find out.

In the bedroom, our sexual experience is influenced by cultural and societal beliefs, our parents’ sex education, unpleasant first sexual encounters, personal sexual taboos, and whether we perceive sex as dirty or pleasurable. Additionally, our motivations for having sex…..what you hope to achieve through it—also play a role. You might see sex as a substitute for certain emotions, a way to gain security, to combat loneliness, or to hold onto someone’s affection.

These factors determine our actions in bed, whether we can trust ourselves and our partners, and whether we can fully unleash our animalistic nature. Sex is not just an act; it is a mindset. Our sexual values, the attitudes towards sex that reside in our minds, shape the nature of our sexual experiences.

In conclusion: In sex, the more exposed and genuine our true selves are, the deeper the experience will be. With as much pleasure as we find, there is also potential for pain and humiliation. Our sexuality reflects who we truly are.


Remember: As long as you open the door, the light will come in.